World in Flames Collector's Edition Super Deluxe Games' Set
World in Flames, it's not a game, it's a hobby in a box!
Update 5 June 2023
Unfortunately, after 5 years, we have just sold our last World in Flames Superdeluxe games set. Most of the games, kits, maps and magazines are still available to buy individually but as we have run out of countersheet 33 from Patton in Flames, the superdeluxe games kit as a whole is no longer available.
Depending on customer demand we are looking at reprinting the game to the World in Flames collector's edition standard after the publication of 7 Ages: the collector's edition (2024 at the earliest).
Thank you for your support for our games.
In 1985 we brought out a 1000 counter, 2 map game called World in Flames that went on to become an international multi-award winning game and smash hit.
60,000 games (and over 200,000 of all the games, kits, magazines and T-shirts in WiF world) later and here we are with the definitive World War II gaming series.
The World in Flames Collector's edition Super Deluxe Games' Set consists of the:
- World in Flames Collector’s Edition Deluxe game (7 hard-mounted maps, CS 1-9, 18-22, 24 & 46-55)
- America in Flames Update kit (2 paper maps & CS 26-28, the America in Flames game without the box and dice);
- Days of Decision III game (2 paper maps, 2 x CS 13 & 3 x CS17);
- Patton in Flames game (5 paper maps, CS 31-35);
- Africa map (full-colour 514 x 534 mm paper map);
- Scandinavian map (full-colour hard-mounted 504 x 210 mm map);
- Khaki in Flames kit (CS 40-45), (only required for America in Flames and Patton in Flames, all World in Flames Collector's edition Commonwealth counters are now in Khaki);
- Free 2 year licence to download the World in Flames Collector's edition (Virtual) companion (which includes high quality images of all the counters, maps and rules graphics and text as well as all the technical data and production specs on all the combat aircraft and naval units of world war II), available now
- most recent 2 Annuals ~ currently Millenium WiF Annual (incl. CS 30, Politics in Flames) & 2008 WiF Annual (incl. CS 39, Factories in Flames);
for a total of 2 magazines, 4 games, 7 expansions, 1 virtual companion, 18 maps and 9240 counters (and a couple of pages of rules:)!
But wait, there's more!
Extra benefits to all First class members (WiF Collector's edition Super Deluxe owners).
1) Free download of ADG's official World in Flames: Collector's edition Vassal module.
2) 1 Free immortal dedication in the next WiF CE Superdeluxe game re-printed (see Immortality not dead! for details). Note this does not apply to those who signed up for the Join the immortals campaign as you already own 2 counters in the Collector's edition (unless you haven't yet taken advantage of the Join the immortals campaign in which case you will be eligible on reprint); and
3) If your immortal dedication is for an America in Flames or Patton in Flames counter you get all the reprinted die-cut countersheets of that game, if it is for any reprint of the World in Flames collector’s edition game, it will be the countersheet containing your immortal dedication. Totally free, fee delivery (see Immortality not dead! for details).
Note this does apply to those who signed up for the Join the immortals campaign.Thus you will get one free countersheet set for America in Flames or Patton in Flames when reprinted, your choice, sent freight free.
When we are ready to reprint any of the WiFCE SuperDeluxe games we will post it up on our site and send you an email asking if you want to claim your immortality now, or wait until the next game is reprinted (we will say then how much we have left in stock and the likely time when the next game will be printed).
In total over $900 worth of games, kits, downloads and other benefits in one very big box.
Note: The World in Flames Collector’s Edition Deluxe game and the WiFCE hard-mounted Scandinavian map are now available.
All the other games, kits, maps, and magazines in the World in Flames Collector's edition Super Deluxe package are the latest available editions (they have not been reprinted with the Collector's edition).
All the games are independently playable as well as being fully integrated into the Collector's edition of World in Flames (all the kits are playable with all the games and World in Flames Collector's edition counters can also be played with Days of Decision).
World in Flames Game system synopsis
It is the dawn of September 1939, and the dark clouds of war hover over the globe. China and Japan have already been at war for more than 2 years and now a Continental war is about to become a worldwide war, a World in Flames.
You, as leader of your country, must guide your nation in the darkest period of our history. You are not defenceless but the lingering wisps of the great depression have hollowed out your forces and discouraged your people. You must lift them to their greatest heights and achieve the impossible, victory against an implacable foe.
In 1985 Australian Design Group launched what would become the definitive international award winning game of World War II, World in Flames. Now after 34 years we are giving you the definitive version.
From the snowy wastes of the arctic to the deserts of Africa and the Jungles of the Pacific, armies, navies and air flotillas contest the air sea and sky to liberate subject peoples from their wicked rulers.
On any one day you might be fighting on the shores of Normandy defending your capital struggling amongst the snows of Russia <pan to Russian front with footage of Russian front battles> or launching carrier strikes in a life-or-death struggle for control of your sea lanes.
Most battles suffer from the fog of war, particularly in the chancy naval battles. This is covered in World in Flames Task Force display where you can hide your forces and perplex your enemies.
But battle is just one demand on your skills. You must also plan for your future. World in Flames allows you to produce everything you did historically or to change your mix depending on your cunning long-term plans to defeat your foes. Do you have the right mix of aircraft? How many aircraft carriers do you need? Do you want a small elite all mechanised force or a large army of militia and garrisons to hold what you can until your allies intervene and the fortunes of war swing inexorably in your favour.
Speaking of allies, you need to flatter your potential partners, plan with your allies and negotiate with your potential enemies to ensure that when the blow comes it will be you dictating the terms and not your foes.
But Allies is a purely relative term, and only one country can emerge from this epic struggle truly strong and free. Is this to be your century?
Based on thousands of hours of research, plans and top secret technical data and input from over 10 million hours of playtest data World in Flames is the strategic game of World War II.
World in Flames can be played from 2 to 6 players (and can even be played solitaire). There are 20 campaigns you can play, from the hour long Victory in The West campaign to the 150 hour Global War mega campaign.
World in Flames is the ultimate gaming challenge. Are you game to play?
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